Check out this Pool Pump on Pool’s Geek. The best Swimming Pool Items from Lowenergie.
Pool Pump description by LOWENERGIE
Description Premium quality pump. Dont be fooled be similar 24V pumps which may only have a 1-2M head even through specified at 6M with much lower flow rates. This water pump is suitable for use directly connected to a solar panel without charge controller (smaller solar panels generally have 18-22V output). This means, the pump only operates whilst adequate sunlight is hitting the solar panel and generating enough current to turn the motor. Alternatively, the pump can be controlled from a 24V battery/ power source. Ideal for use with solar water heating systems as water flow stops when there insufficient sunlight and the pump is powered from a solar photovoltaic panel. Max power for full flow rate and head pressure is 30 watts although this pump will run directly off a 20w solar panel (flow rate and pressure maybe slight reduced, but often perfectly adequate). Specifiation 24V DC Water Pump Fully submersible or external usage, IPX8 Electrical Supply DC power/ solar panel Rated